Seperti yang dijanjikan, sedikit-sebanyak perkongsian mengenai EM MUDBALL MAKING ingin dikongsi dan dicatatkan di sini buat bacaan umum dan rujukan bila perlu. Apa sebenarnya MUDBALL? Kalau yang dah tahu, baguslah. Bagi yang tak tahu, boleh la baca kalau nak tahu sedikit sebanyak pasal MUDBALL ni.
Jangan salah faham plak, MUDBALL ni bukan sukan/permainan seperti NETBALL, VOLEYBALL mahupun FOOTBALL. MUDBALL ni jugak bukan sejenis makanan macam FISHBALL yang selalu kita makan tuh. MUDBALL ni tanah liat berbentuk bulat (sfera) seperti bola. EM MUDBALL plak maksudnya EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISMS MUDBALL.
The EM Mud balls are useful as one of the environmental solutions towards reducing water pollutants and thus improving water quality in our rivers and drains. The fermentation emitted from the mud balls will alleviate or destroy the ammonia nitrogen found in human effluents and sewerage leakages into the water system.
The EM technology uses naturally occurring microorganisms to purify water which in turn will revive aquatic life. It is currently being used in more than 130 countries. EM technology is widely used to purify water and sewage, and improve recycled water.
The mud balls are made from a mixture of red earth, bran and molasses. After being packed together in balls, they need to be dried for one to two weeks and results can normally be seen after three months of introducing them in polluted waters.
Biru mata hitamku bila skiping omputeh. Maksudnya, EM MUDBALL ni berfungsi sebagai salah satu penyelesaian terhadap pencemaran air. Pendek kata, dengan adanya EM MUDBALL nih, kita boleh la nak kurangkan pencemaran air, meningkatkan kualiti air di sungai/parit/longkang di mana jua kita berada demi kemaslahatan hidup bermasyarakat. Kandungan/komposisi yang ada dalam MUDBALL akan terurai dan bertindak untuk memusnahkan AMMONIA, NITROGEN yang dijumpai dalam sumber air/ takungan air.
Masih tak jelas apa itu EM MUDBALL. Bagi kawan-kawan yang merancang untuk ambil major ENVIRONMENT nanti untuk final year ataupun tengah INTERNSHIP under HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT (HSE) department, untuk rujukan lanjut bolehlah layari link yang disertakan di sini untuk rujukan lanjut. Semoga bermanfaat!
For the first time, I got an opportunity to join this event, MUDBALL MAKING. So, from that I learn a few things about MUDBALL. Nice experience to share. Before this, a few companies around Free Industrial Zone (FIZ), Bayan Lepas conduct this event as their CSR program towards communities. As example, Agilent Technologies. Refer this link for more info: Agilent Technologies.
Besides Agilent Technologies, companies like Osram, Robert Bosch, Dell, IDT, Fairchild Semconductor, STEC, Motorola, AMD, Knowles, Western Digital, Blaupunkt, Dynacraft Industries, Eng Teknologi and MOX are involved in the project
On 2nd October 2010, it's AMD turn to make the MUDBALL. AMDiers scheduled to throw the MUDBALLS along the MOX RIVER on this 30th October 2010. A month from now!
Bak kata mat salleh "E.M. is an abbreviation for EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISMS Microorganisms are tiny units of life that are too small to be seen with the naked eye and they exist everywhere in nature. Microorganisms are crucial for maintaining the ecological balance. They carry out chemical processes that make it possible for all other organisms including humans to live. There are friendly guys of the microbial worlds known as beneficial microorganisms and a not so friendly group called pathogens that are harmful and capable of producing disease, decay and pollution."What is EM MUDBALL?
The EM Mud balls are useful as one of the environmental solutions towards reducing water pollutants and thus improving water quality in our rivers and drains. The fermentation emitted from the mud balls will alleviate or destroy the ammonia nitrogen found in human effluents and sewerage leakages into the water system.
The EM technology uses naturally occurring microorganisms to purify water which in turn will revive aquatic life. It is currently being used in more than 130 countries. EM technology is widely used to purify water and sewage, and improve recycled water.
EM Technology® was constructed by Dr Teruo Higa, former Professor of Ryukyu University, Okinawa,Japan. EM mud balls contain a consortium of “good” microbes and are known for being able to stop algae growth, break down sludge, suppress pathogens and control ammonia levels in drains and streams.
The mud balls are made from a mixture of red earth, bran and molasses. After being packed together in balls, they need to be dried for one to two weeks and results can normally be seen after three months of introducing them in polluted waters.
Biru mata hitamku bila skiping omputeh. Maksudnya, EM MUDBALL ni berfungsi sebagai salah satu penyelesaian terhadap pencemaran air. Pendek kata, dengan adanya EM MUDBALL nih, kita boleh la nak kurangkan pencemaran air, meningkatkan kualiti air di sungai/parit/longkang di mana jua kita berada demi kemaslahatan hidup bermasyarakat. Kandungan/komposisi yang ada dalam MUDBALL akan terurai dan bertindak untuk memusnahkan AMMONIA, NITROGEN yang dijumpai dalam sumber air/ takungan air.
Masih tak jelas apa itu EM MUDBALL. Bagi kawan-kawan yang merancang untuk ambil major ENVIRONMENT nanti untuk final year ataupun tengah INTERNSHIP under HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT (HSE) department, untuk rujukan lanjut bolehlah layari link yang disertakan di sini untuk rujukan lanjut. Semoga bermanfaat!
For the first time, I got an opportunity to join this event, MUDBALL MAKING. So, from that I learn a few things about MUDBALL. Nice experience to share. Before this, a few companies around Free Industrial Zone (FIZ), Bayan Lepas conduct this event as their CSR program towards communities. As example, Agilent Technologies. Refer this link for more info: Agilent Technologies.
Besides Agilent Technologies, companies like Osram, Robert Bosch, Dell, IDT, Fairchild Semconductor, STEC, Motorola, AMD, Knowles, Western Digital, Blaupunkt, Dynacraft Industries, Eng Teknologi and MOX are involved in the project
On 2nd October 2010, it's AMD turn to make the MUDBALL. AMDiers scheduled to throw the MUDBALLS along the MOX RIVER on this 30th October 2010. A month from now!
Lenguh jari-jemari nak taip kot omputeh, back to topic. Pegalaman membuat MUDBALL buat kali pertama. Paling istimewa, kali pertama baru tahu wujudnya MUDBALL atas muka bumi ni. Sepanjang belajar subjek HSE di universiti, tidak pernah tersentuh pasal isu ini. Mungkin ini teknologi baru dan masih belum dimasukkan di dalam silibus pendidikan.


Mudball making day bukan setakat bermain selut dan kotoran, malah pelbagai aktiviti menghiburkan diadakan seperti kuiz dan lucky draw.
Jumpa lagi di acara kemuncak pada 30 Oktober nanti
pernah buat jugak masa praktikal kt Bosch Penang April lps...buat utk MOX river jgk..
ReplyDeletenice experience walaupun mudball busuk! =)
ReplyDeletekesan mmbuat mudball agak besar untuk aku...
ReplyDeleteerr...lmbt paham plak asis arinie..
ReplyDeletemudball itu utk ape ye ?
maaf...kpala sikit srabut juga...haha
ReplyDeleteoo, intern kat BOSH ka? patut pun
betul la, penang buat MUDBALL 6 bulan sekali. tp currently about 13-15 componies je yg join
busuk? sebab tuh dia bagi mask suh pakai
ReplyDeleteyup, mmg menarik..but need to know the result la
if not mistaken, the founder is from Japan
Hazwan Arif:
ReplyDeleteboleh jadi kenanangan sepanjang hayat tuh
Ummi Hanie:
ReplyDeleteuntuk atasi pencemaran air sungai/longkang/parit
MUDBALL akan bertindakbalas dgn mikroognaisma utk pulihkan kualiti air dari bakteria dan rendahkan kandungan Ammonia
tapi masa ktorg buat tu xdpt pn mask..
ReplyDeletexdisediakan kot sbb semua operator kilang pn kena buat...
habes bau busuk tu masuk ofis...nk dkt smggu baru hilang bau tu...isk3~
but then, it's least ada jgk contribute to nature.. =)
ReplyDeleteooo, patut pun. kami nasib baik organizer sediakan mask and gloves.
kat sini kantin je yg kotor, abis lumpur,haha
yup, at least ada usaha utk itu
waa...bagusnye idea ... :)
ReplyDeletesatu penyelidikan yg bagus utk mengatasi pencemaran air kt sungai, tasik, lombong. Hebat demo kawe respek.
ReplyDeletegeli ar mud ball tu
ReplyDelete2 tahun lepas ak penah dgr mudball.. sbb ramai org gune utk kolam yg ade kursus yg diaorg wt kat phg..ak xpenah lak tgk pic.bru jer tgk kat blog ko.heheee
ReplyDeleteUmmi Hanie:
ReplyDeleteagak menarik la, ni teknologi dari Jepun, Dr Teruo Higa
shameel Iskandar:
ReplyDeletetu la, klu berkesan boleh la apply utk semua sungai/parit
kawe join buat jah, belajar sikit2
Cik Su:
ReplyDeletetanah liat je ciksu
ReplyDeleteokla, at least dh tau benda ni wujud..
ak baru je tau, kebetulan berpeluang plak join..terbaik gak la,haha
good info. thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeletekeluarkan 1 degree utk aku. haha
ReplyDeletewelcome bro
thanks for reading
degree cetak sendiri boleh la,haha
haih.banyaknye update..
ReplyDeletebru bole bace betul bile dh lps prktikal neh haih..
ReplyDeleteoo, dh abis praktikal ka? patut pun lama menyepi
update byk sbgai pengganti quiz/test/exam,haha
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